18th January, 2018, HICC, Hyderabad

"The Real Challenge: Localizing Technology
Adoption and Innovation''

An International Conference on Integrating Geospatial and ICT in Agriculture


Farmers face a range of roadblocks in managing their farms as a business, from purchasing inputs, to accessing financial services, to storing and selling produce. Smallholder farmers are the frontlines of every developing country's food supply, however most farmers lack access to financial services, technology adaption, mechanisation and products to enable them to invest in their farms.


Panel Discussion Track 1:
Knowledge based Agriculture: The linkages with sustainability, food security and climate change impacts
  • Synergies and trade-offs between agricultural productivity and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Compatibility of agricultural policies to achieve higher agricultural productivity and climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives.
Panel Discussion Track 2:
ICT for Smart Agricultural Markets and Value Chains
  • How can ICT expand agricultural trade within developing countries, and across borders?
  • How can we support such efforts?
  • What are successful examples from the field?
  • What is the role of private-public partnerships and marketlinkages?
Panel Discussion Track 3:
Innovations and Future Farming Technologies
  • This theme will discuss the innovations and future farming technologies that will can be expected.
  • Hydroponics, aquaponics, short supply chains, indoor agriculture, urban farming, satellites, drone and robot management and more.
  • Of particular interest are the impacts that these future technologies have on how we do agriculture and what it means for the application of geospatial data.

Target participants

The GeoAgri2018 program will bring together about 200+ participants. The participants will be experts and/or policymakers from government institutions across sectors (e.g. ministries of agriculture, forestry, environment, Irrigation, rural development, finance and planning), various concerned departments and institutions, United Nations agencies and other international organizations; Financial & Microfinance institutions, Insurers, Technology and solution/service providers, community and farmers' organizations and large number of user community. Non-governmental organizations who undertake lobbying and advocacy towards the promotion of smart technology in agriculture and also sustainable engagement of youth in agri-business. Universities, Agribusiness Management Institutions and Research organizations that educate about the importance of various smart technologies and its management in agriculture.


Please note:
  • GWF fees includes entry to all the programs of Geospatial World Forum, Geo4SDGs (includes GeoAgri Seminar), AI & IoT Summit, Location World and NRSC User Interaction Meet
  • Registration fee includes 18% GST
Late Registration (1st Jan onwards)
Private Agencies
South Asians (INR)
Overseas (USD)
Government, NGOs, Academia, Researchers
South Asians (INR)
Overseas (USD)
South Asians (INR)
Overseas (USD)
South Asians (INR)
Overseas (USD)
Exhibition Visit Only (Complimentary for government and user agencies)
South Asians (INR)
Overseas (USD)