Tuesday-Wednesday, 26-27 May 2015, 0900-1030 hrs, 1500-1730 hrs

GEOAGRI - People, Technology and Innovations

Understanding the fact that the agriculture resources are among the most important, renewable, dynamic natural resources and a comprehensive, accurate and timely availability of these data is very much necessary for the implementation of the effective management decisions. The development of spatial technologies in recent years has made available new tools and capabilities to be used for agriculture. In particular, the digital technology has evolved in the last ten years starting from the use of GPS (Global positioning systems) for operations like levelling, seeding, cultivating, planting, harvesting to irrigation of crops. The integration of GNSS technology with geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technologies has enabled the collection and analysis of spatial and non- spatial data in more accurate and timely manner. Also other innovations such as the application of UAVs are contributing to this process. The availability of high resolution satellite images such as IKONOS, Quick Bird, GeoEye-1 and World View has improved the identification, analysis and monitoring of the agriculture activities. As a result of successive enlargements of the European Union, its agricultural sector has become larger and more diverse.

Over the last 26 years, gross value added (GVA) in the agricultural sector has increased considerably. Understanding the value of geospatial technology in enhanced decision making, effectively managing resources and assets, enhancing the efficiency of workflows, and improving the accessibility of information, an exclusive day session for agriculture is being organized with the theme: “GEOAGRI –People, Technology and Innovations”. The session aims to highlight the latest innovations, technologies and tools.

  • > Agriculture is the single largest employer in the world, providing livelihoods for 40 per cent of today’s global population. It is the largest source of income and jobs for poor rural households.
  • > European Agriculture machinery industry has a total turnover of €26 billion and provides employment for 135,000 people directly in the sector and another 125,000 persons indirectly in the distribution and service network – CEMA.
  • > Farming is the primary occupation and source of family income for about 1 million farm operators (48%) in USA.

Technical Agenda

The program aims to bring at front the advantages of using the geospatial technologies for strengthening various agricultural activities in different regions of the world. It focuses upon the use of technologies for the sustainable intensification of the agriculture sector. The programme emphasizes on the application of precision technologies which has increased efficiency of the agriculture sector of the world especially the European countries with less dependence on the human labor. With this programme we target to bring at front the geospatial solutions for combating the challenges like increased globalization, increasing environmental pressures, increased price volatility and food security issues. The eminent speakers from various policy departments will stress upon the effectiveness of the policies.

Major Themes

Technologies changing Agriculture

The session aims to highlight the role of technologies like UAVs and LIDAR in agriculture. The session will try to focus on the increasing use and benefits of UAVs, aerial photography and high resolution data for combating the agriculture challenges like food security, increasing globalization and pressure on natural resources.

Innovations in agricultural machinery and equipments

Innovation plays a key role to increase production and productivity in agriculture. Therefore, countries all over the world especially Europe is trying to upgrade their level of agricultural mechanization. This session aims to bring at front the pivotal role played by geospatial technologies in the agricultural practices which enables farmers worldwide to grow crops and raise livestock affordably and sustainably and meet the rising demand fuelled by global population growth.

Panel Discussion

The panel discussion tries to bring at front the decision-makers, regulators and stakeholders to have deeper understanding of the agriculture sector and associated industry. It will try to bring the research organizations, industry people and the policy makers at the same platform to understand and provide smart solutions to help farmers worldwide to grow food affordably and sustainably.


  • > To understand current geospatial domain’s path and bring awareness to the agricultural stakeholders on global platform.
  • > The exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge and skills pertaining to the domain and provide an explicit platform for networking opportunities.
  • > To strengthen and connect geospatial communities all over the world with the strategies taken to cater global challenges.
  • > Exchange of skills and knowledge on new forms of applications and technology by sharing latest success stories and challenges.
  • > Bring together decision makers to discuss and deliberate the sustainable contribution of geospatial intelligence.

Target Audience

  • > Ministries & Departments of Agriculture from different countries.
  • > Agricultural Research Agencies
  • > Multilateral Agencies
  • > Industry Players
  • > Policy makers
  • > Agricultural Associations & Unions
  • > Agricultural Universities & Colleges
Elies Lemkes Managing Director
Smart Innovations: Forerunners, early adaptors and the rest

Foster K Mensah Executive Director
Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS), University of Ghana
Supporting Agricultural Development In Ghana With Geospatial Technologies

Nicolas Tremblay Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri Food
Geospatial Information: A Bridge for the Transfer of Past and Future Science to the Farmers

Guillaume Janssens Chief Operating Officer
TerrEye / Feel4U
Tactical decisions-support solutions for Land Management

Raymond De Lai Centre Manager
Herbert Resource Information Centre (HRIC)
HRIC - Public Private Partnership in the Australian Sugar Industry

Tomas Reznik Associate Professor
Masaryk University
Czech Republic
Data Model for (Precision) Agriculture: Extending the INSPIRE for Business Applications

Katalin Toth Scientific Officer
Joint Research Centre, Monitoring Agricultural Resources Unit
Green and Geospatial (The Common Agricultural Policy After the Reform)

Panagiotis Tziachris Spatial Information Manager
Soil Science Institute of Thessaloniki
Usage of Sewage Sludge in the Agriculture Based on Spatial Data and European Directives in the City of Thessaloniki, Greece

Reinhard Blasi Market Development Officer
European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency
GNSS in Precision Agriculture

Sutha Veloo Assistant Director
Department of Agriculture

Karsten Frotscher Product Manager
BlackBridge Monitoring Programs and Cloud-based Services in Support of Precision Agriculture Practices

Emmanuel Okalany Projects Assistant
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture
Assessing Agricultural Drought using Remote Sensing and GIS: The Case of May Gabat watershed, Northern Ethiopia

Manuel Perez Ruiz Department of Agroforestry Engineering
University of Seville
GNSS/RTK for automated weed control in cropping systems

Jose Rafael Marques
da Silva
Professor universit?rio e Investigador
Universidade de ?vora
Active proximal sensing on vineyard vigor vegetation management

Alfredo Silva Director of Technical Services
Port and Douro Wines Institute (IVDP)
Integrated approach of geomorphology and GIS mapping to the evaluation of Port winevineyards

Tamme Van Der Wal Partner
Precise soil moisture measurements using GNSS-R: Helping farmers to make better decisions on irrigation water management