25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Jose Rafael Marques
da Silva

Professor universit?rio e Investigador
Universidade de ?vora

Has three academic degrees: i) Agricultural Engineer; ii) PhD in Agricultural Engineering; and iii) ?Agregado? in Precision Agriculture (highest academic degree of the Portuguese University). From the professional point of view is a University professor at the University of ?vora, researcher in the ICAAM, CITI and DREAMS investigation centers and belongs to the National Portuguese Engineering Association with the n?. 27634. In social skills and competencies reveals to have team spirit (belonging to and / or coordinating teams); has great communication skills and good adaptation to multicultural environments. For languages: read, understand, speak and write correctly Portuguese and English; reads, understands and speaks independently Spanish; read and understand independently Italian and French. Is and has been involved in more than 16 projects, coordinating 8 of them, divided into three broad areas: i) soil and water conservation; ii) Precision Agriculture; and iii) Energy and Bio-Energy. In terms of pedagogical skills has a 24 years? experience has a university teacher, being responsible for the following disciplines: Topography; Computer Aided Design; Geomatics; Geographic Information Systems; Remote sensing; Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Precision Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering Project. In terms of technical advisor has experience in five major areas: i) soil and water conservation and environmental impact studies; ii) hydrological and numerical modeling; iii) cartographic and topographic surveys by conventional methods or global navigation systems; iv) Spatio-temporal analysis of geographical variables; and v) satellite images digital classification. Handles several general and specialized software: i) CAD (CAD Map, Land CAD, 3D CAD); ii) GIS and digital satellite images classification (Idrisi, ArcGIS, ArcPad, gvSIG, eCognition); iii) Global navigation satellite software (TerraSink, GPS Pathfinder Office), etc. .. Belonged to more than 11 conferences and symposia scientific and organizing committees and in 2010 was the President of the III Iberoamerican Conference on Precision Agriculture Organizing Committee, integrating at the same time the Scientific Committee of this Conference. Argued four doctoral theses (University of ?vora, PT; University of Santiago de Compostela, SP; Polytechnic University of Madrid, SP; University of Extremadura, SP). Guided: i) the doctoral thesis of Eng. Jose Maria Terron in precision agriculture ("Delimitation of management zones according to soil electrical conductivity measurements, obtained through mobile contact sensors"), University of Cordoba; ii) 9 master's theses; and iii) 27 graduation theses. Currently guides the doctoral theses of: i) Eng. Anabela Grifo ("Spatial variability of apparent soil electrical conductivity and its relationship with the yield and yield quality conditioning factors") at the University of ?vora; ii) Eng. Madalena Pirata ("Study of the Spatio-temporal vineyard bioma in a Mediterranean ?rea ? management and modeling aspects ") at the University of ?vora; iii) Jorge Gallego ("Use of terrestrial sensors in vineyard homogeneous areas delimitation considering multispectral vegetation indexes and apparent electrical conductivity ") at the University of Extremadura (Spain); and iv) Pablo Leandro Cicore (?Predicci?n de la variabilidad espacial de la productividad de las pasturas mediante propiedades de sitio para la delimitaci?n de zonas de manejo en suelos ganaderos?) at the National University del Mar del Plata (Argentina). Was: i) the Rural Engineer Department Director for four years (2 x 2 years); ii) the School of Science and Technology vice-director; iii) a member of many university bodies such as the Scientific Council, the Education Council, the University Senate and several graduation councils. Currently is the director of the Biosystems engineering integrated master council. From the standpoint of awards and honors one of his articles was nominated for the best Biosystems Engineering magazine article in 2008; was prizewinning with the "HP Wireless Technology for Teaching", an international award that HP company attributed intending to highlight the ability innovation in universities, approaching them to businesses; was the coordinator of Eng. Andr? Gouveia Christiano de Sousa, who in 2012 received from the Agricultural Engineering Association's College an award for the best report nationwide. It was also fellow of the Flemish Community in the University of Leuven, Belgium. From the point of view of scientific research for the past 10 years, has authored or co-authored more than 40 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, with 33 of these articles present in the ISI; made more than 50 presentations at international conferences and more than 30 presentations by invitation; 10 articles published in national peer-reviewed scientific journals; editor of two books and three chapter books.

Active proximal sensing on vineyard vigor vegetation management

Airborne sensor data in vines are normally constrained by weather conditions, revisiting time, spatial resolution and inter-row soil shadow interference due to vine architecture; requiring additional processing steps to produce realistic maps of spectral signatures. Due to these difficulties active mobile proximal sensors are an emerging technology designed to overcome many of the limitations associated with satellite or aircraft based remote sensing systems. In order to detect vineyard variability at specific times and locations throughout the growing season and overcome the limitations presented previously, a multispectral database (80 ha and three seasons) was constructed considering a commercial active crop sensor that measures simultaneously RED, RedEdge and NIR bands. An NDVI vegetation index was related spatially and temporally with vegetation vigor and the main results show that multispectral proximal active sensors could help to: i) define spatial and temporal management class areas; ii) study the vineyard limiting factors boundaries and to develop a way to overcome the limitations that they impose; iii) identify the impact on vegetation and genetics between dry and wet years and to adjust management in order to resolve existing deficits or surpluses; and iv) due to temporal variability future agriculture sensors, actuators and applicators should consider agricultural management strategies based on real time decisions. Keywords: Active multispectral sensors; proximal sensing; vineyard; spatial and temporal variation