Bruno Rakedjian
European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment Unit C2: Marine Environment & Water Industry Belgium
Biography Bruno RAKEDJIAN is a French project manager graduated in urban development policy (advanced engineering degree). He has specialised in water policy, especially in the field of urban wastewater.
He started working in the field of flood prevention and waste policy as a policy officer in Bangui (Central African Republic) on behalf of the French Ministry of Cooperation (national voluntary service).
Then he worked seven years for the SIAAP (waste water public utility of Parisian agglomeration) and was in charge of the studies of ones of the biggest treatment plants in France (Seine-aval, Seine centre).
In 2000, he joined during two years the social urban development policy service of the City of Paris acting with NGO's as project manager in a district of Paris.
Then he worked five years for the Seine-Normandy river basin department (local authority of the French Ministry of Environment). He was essentially in charge of the implementation of the urban waste water treatment directive (UWWTD) in this river basin.
After this period he joined the national level of the French Ministry of Environment in charge of the implementation of the UWWTD. He wrote and implemented two waste water implementation plans and published yearly different indicators. He created with colleagues the French waste water website. He managed the waste water data collection and EU UWWTD reporting. He was in charge of the waste water training in France and went dozens of times on the ground to assess the waste water situation and to help local authorities to implement correctly the UWWTD. He was in contact with the European Commission as regards the implementation of the UWWTD in France, but also as speaker to present the French approach.
Since 2013, He has been working as a seconded national expert in the 'water industry team' of the DG Environment of the European Commission. He is specifically in charge of the SIIF project and the implementation programme of urban waste water policy. He has recently assessed the implementation programme reporting (article 17 under the UWWTD) to have a better overview of the economic and forward looking aspects of urban waste water field in Europe. He works closely with EEA, internal and external partners in order to facilitate the implementation of the water policy.