25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Paul van Genuchten
Software Engineer
GeoCat BV

Paul van Genuchten is a consultant and software engineer at GeoCat bv in the Netherlands. Paul has a master in soil science from Wageningen university and has been active in the geospatial field for over 15 years. In recent years he worked on SDI software focussing on INSPIRE/OGC and W3C (semantic web) standards. Paul is a member of the Pool of Experts of INSPIRE and as such acted as an expert in metadata and conformance testing subgroups. Paul is a big supporter of Open Source Software, Open Standards and Open Data.

Setting up INSPIRE Services using Geonetwork

GeoNetwork is an Opensource software project facilitating discovery of datasets and services. An active part of the Geonetwork community consists of organisations using Geonetwork to provide INSPIRE services. They contributed in developments that enabled Geonetwork to become a one-stop-solution to set up discovery, view and download services. In this presentation I'll guide you through some of the features in Geonetwork that facilitate organisations and national contact points to set up, discover, display and validate INSPIRE services. GeoNetwork provides discovery services (CSW/iso19139, OpenSearch/RSS & dcat/rdf) and facilitates download services (Atom). From GeoNetwork datasets can be published as view and download services in a bundled GeoServer, an Opensource map engine providing WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCS. These days a big operation is taking place in the Geonetwork Project. The technology that is used to build the graphic user interface is fully replaced. The new technology; Bootstrap, Angular & OpenLayers 3, is very easy to customise, scales well on mobile devices and provides a fast user experience. A new component is introduced that allows you to define form-views by configuration. In the presentation I will show you some of the new screens and will guide you through some of the upgrade challenges.