Francois Prunayre
GIS expert titellus France
Biography OpenSource advocate and implementing geospatial infrastructure in the public and private sectors in France and abroad, Francois Prunayre had the opportunities to deal with the main aspects of spatial data infrastructure (users, data, architecture, softwares, standards).
Abstract Using the Latest ISO Standard for Geographic Information (ISO19115-1:2014) for an INSPIRE Discovery Service - Use Case in the Wallonia Region
Co-Author: Vincent Bombaerts, Service Public de Wallonie
Describing the process of migrating from an ISO19115 regional profil in Wallonia to the new version of ISO19115-1, this talk will introduce the major changes of the new standard for metadata on geographic information. Challenges on how to remain 'INSPIRE compliant' for a discovery service will be highlighted by a real life example using GeoNetwork opensource metadata catalog.