25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Leire Leoz
GIS Technician

Architect specialised in regional and urban planning, Leire Leoz works as GIS Technician in Tracasa. She has participated in regional, national and international projects for Public Administrations. She is involved in GeoSmartCity project and also in the framework of Copernicus program and INSPIRE for European Environment Agency.

Analysis of On-Line Availability and Access Conditions in EEA39 Countries of the Essential Reference Data Required by Copernicus Services

Josu RamiĀ­rez, Tracasa
Raquel Ciriza, Tracasa
Iratxe Orbe, Tracasa
Eugenija Schuren, European Environment Agency

Many spatial datasets are offered under different specific license conditions and accessible through a variety of interfaces across Europe. Whilst it is fairly easy to publish standard compliant spatial web services, how many of them really deliver what is expected? How many of them really fulfil previously established requirements? This work, commissioned by European Environment Agency (EEA) and under the European Copernicus program umbrella, is probably one of the firsts deep studies carried out that intends to analyse availability, access conditions and validation of the required reference data services provided by the above-mentioned organizations and agencies throughout Europe. This project aims to draw a scenario of the available free of charge reference data for the already operational services (land monitoring and emergency management) in EEA39 countries. This involves collecting, analysing and testing the view & download services (WMS, WFS, ATOM) and data sets in order to identify online accessibility, protocol/format of these accessible datasets, access constraints (restrictions, fees) and compliance with the requirements demanded according to the specific Copernicus product (accuracy, resolution and scale testing involves metadata analysis). This work was completed between June and November 2014. This presentation will explain the approach focused on 5 reference data themes that are related to INSPIRE themes: transport networks (I.7), Digital Elevation Model (II.1), Land Cover / Land Use (II.2, III.4), Ortho-imagery (II.3) and Building blocks (III.2). Moreover, the methodological lines established depending on the existence or not of INSPIRE Monitoring & Reporting (M&R) information and the partially manual and software automated work performed will be enumerated. The operability of nearly three thousand reported services (View and Download) was checked. Results per country and theme and relevant conclusions will be showcased.