25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Anders Foureaux
Process Manager Datafeeds - Datahosting
Swedish EPA, Research and Assessment Department

Quality Control Service for INSPIRE Data

For the last two years, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has been developing a Validation Service for Environmental Data. The service (a pilot) is one component among others within a distributed SOA. The main goal is to cut time consuming manual QA-processes and instead, let the “machines" do the quality control based on the requirements in the Data Product Specification (ISO 19131). As a result of the QA-process, a metadata file is creataed on-the-fly (ISO 19139) based on the specific quality measures written in the DPS. The quality measures are mainly based on ISO 19157 - Data quality. During the validation process, the data itself is transformed into the O&M-model (ISO 19156). The presentation will demonstrate how a number of ISO standards, can be used in order to support data management in a data distribution workflow in general but also focus on the different quality measures that has been chosen within the EF-theme and on the on-going environmental monitoring procedures. Especially in the scope of monitoring air quality and metals and organic compounds in different matrixes, e.g. sediments from the sea and from lakes. The message in short is how the ISO-standards from the “new" INSPIRE-domain has been implemented in the “old" environmental monitoring-domain. The presentation will also give some examples on how we deal with different code lists from different expert domains. Two national “clones" of the Registry (JRC) and the Data Dictionary (EEA) will be used in a M2M-process for the QA of the codes used. The presentation includes a short livedemo showing how the validation service process real data.