Jorgen Tulstrup
Head of Department Danish Geological Survey Denmark
Biography Jørgen Tulstrup is M.Sc. in Geology/Geophysics. Head of Department at Geological Datacenter. Responsible for GEUS’ databanks and GIS. Jørgen has been working with establishing databases for geological and other geodata data for more 30 years and has been a participant in several EU funded projects including OneGeologyEurope, EuroGeoSource, EUMARSIN, InGeoCloudS, EGDI-Scope, Minerals4EU, EURare and ProSUM. Executive Secretary to Geoscience Information Consortium (http://www.g-i-c.org). Member of the Danish Commission for the Implementation of INSPIRE.
Abstract Minerals4EU - INSPIRE in Action: Pan-European Raw Materials Knowledge Base Data Platform
Daniel Cassard, François Tertre, Guillaume Bertrand, Agnès Tellez-Arenas (BRGM)
Frands Schjøth, Tjerk Heijboer (GEUS)
Jouni Vuollo (GTK)
Dana Čápová (CGS), Jasna Šinigoj (Geo-ZS), Stephan Gruijters, Paul Bogaard, Frank Waardenburg (TNO)
Robert Tomas, Chris Schubert (JRC)
The Minerals4EU project, which will finish in September 2015, is designed to meet the recommendations of the Raw Materials Initiative and will develop an EU Mineral intelligence network structure delivering a web portal, a European Minerals Yearbook and foresight studies. The network will provide data, information and knowledge on mineral resources around Europe, based on an accepted business model, making a fundamental contribution to the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM), seen by the Competitiveness Council as key for the successful implementation of the major EU2020 policies. The presentation will give a status report on concrete achievements of 31 partners in Europe, including 27 National Geological Surveys mainly related to the development of the EU Minerals Knowledge Base Data Platform EU-MKDP and its population with harmonized data on mineral resources in EU. The EU-MKDP system architecture, which follows principles of the European INSPIRE Directive to make data and services interoperable across Europe over a distributed infrastructure, aims to give a simplified, user-friendly and efficient access to all available and new data related to mineral resources in Europe in a harmonized way. The project also utilizes / supports global data exchange standards such as EarthResourceML and GeoSciML developed under the patronage of the IUGS-CGI. The presentation will give details on key components of the overall architecture that covers the unified data models that integrates several INSPIRE data themes + domain specific extensions, common semantics, harmonized web services and the harvesting database and final user interface - diffusion information system.