25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Paulo Patricio
Directorate General for Territorial Development

Paulo PatrĂ­cio is since 2012 the Diretor of the Geodesy and Geographic Information Department at the Directorate-General for Territorial Development of Portugal. He has a Master in Surveying Engineer form the University of Lisbon and he worked for the Portuguese Army Geographic Institute from 1996 until the year 2000. Between 2007 and 2010 he was the Head of the Acquisition and Treatment of Geographic Information Division at the Portuguese Geographic Institute and from 2010 to 2012 he was the Director of the Geodesy and Cartography Department at the same Institute."

SNIG 2020: a Participated Vision for the Portuguese National Spatial Data Infrastructure

Alexandra Fonseca, Dra., Directorate General for Territorial Development
Henrique Silva, Eng., Directorate General for Territorial Development
Danilo Futado, Dr., Directorate General for Territorial Development
Mario Caetano, Prof. Dr., Directorate General for Territorial Development

Spatial Data Infrastructures concept is evolving as a result of the open data frameworks that are being adopted by governments at all levels across the globe. These approaches are more focused on involving people rather than in the centralized approach of controlling the data and providing it to the users. SNIG is the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) that allows the registry and search of the spatial data and services produced by public and private entities in Portugal. It was created 25 years ago being one of the pioneer NSDI in Europe and the first one launched on the Internet. The Directorate-General for Territorial Development (DGT) is the public authority presently in charge of chairing the steering committee responsible for the NSDI strategic coordination, being also the National Contact Point for INSPIRE. The NSDI geoportal allows searching, exploring and visualizing the geographic data through OGC webservices for the whole country. In 2014, SNIG geoportal has been reformulated and new functionalities were added to make the platform more efficient and more user-friendly. Data producers can now register their metadata in an easier way and it is also simpler for the users to find the data using specific and restrictive parameters on their search. The viewer allows the visualization of open webservices and also geographic data from files in several common formats, for confrontation purposes. SNIG also supports the application of the INSPIRE Directive in Portugal. Every year the INSPIRE Directive monitoring process relies on SNIG metadata to calculate the indicators through the metadata registered on the system. Part of the information relevant to follow the application of the Directive in Portugal, used in the three years report, is also obtained from the NSDI. This presentation aims to show how SNIG is evolving and how DGT plans to improve its development and use in the future, highlighting the major key issues that will support SNIG 2020, the new vision for the Portuguese NSDI that is being built in a participated and collaborative way involving the main actors from the GI community.