25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Clemens Portele
Managing Director
Interactive Instruments GmbH

Using Automated Geoprocessing to Synchronize INSPIRE Datasets across Platforms

Andreas Zahnen, Software Engineer, Interactive Instruments GmbH
Ken Bragg, European Services Manager, Safe Software Inc

The European Location Framework (ELF) leverages INSPIRE and aims to deliver up-to-date, authoritative, interoperable, cross-border reference geo-information. ELF is simplifying the use of such reference data using established platforms for geographic information. It supports both a platform conforming to the INSPIRE technical guidance, called the ELF Platform, as well as the ArcGIS platform. At the INSPIRE Conference 2014 a paper was presented discussing how ELF/INSPIRE data is published in ArcGIS Online to benefit from both the capabilities of ArcGIS and cloud computing. As more data sources in ELF become available, we want to have a closer look how the original ELF/INSPIRE data is processed and published to ArcGIS Online. The data in ArcGIS Online is a cached copy of the source ELF/INSPIRE data, stored in ArcGIS Online for improved usability, availability and performance. The data structures are simplified in this process, but the essential content and identifiers are maintained. Maintaining data which is originally published via the ELF Platform, and also cached in ArcGIS Online requires processes for the initial caching as well as for updates. Changes in the source data must be published to the ELF platform and subsequently updated in ArcGIS Online. Both workflows require geoprocessing tasks that connect to the download service of a source dataset, select the relevant data, transform it to the template used for ELF data in ArcGIS Online and publish the transformed data. FME is the main tool used for both of these geoprocessing tasks. For incremental updates we are investigating the use of FME Cloud to support automation in a fully cloud-based environment. Details of how incremental updates are being provided in ELF are currently (December 2014) under discussion. The presentation will share result, experiences and challenges. ELF is a 3-year project of 30 partners across Europe, co-funded by the European Commission.