25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Dean Hintz
Senior Analyst
Safe Software

Dean Hintz is a Senior Analyst at Safe Software. A Certified FME Professional, he's responsible for helping customers design custom applications based on the FME spatial data transformation platform. Focus areas include open standards such as XML, GML, and OGC web services, and technical areas such as raster & 3D. Dean also teaches FME training courses and provides technical support. Dean has a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Trinity Western University.

INSPIRE Implementation Stories and Data Harmonization Solution Patterns at Land Management Agencies Across Europe

Co-Author: Sören Dupke, Software Engineer, con terra GmbH

The complete set of INSPIRE data specifications have been around for a more than a year. We will give an overview of experiences with implementing these data specifications in a variety of land management agencies across Europe. The presentation will cover projects from small to large scale and all aspects of the INSPIRE data workflow from mapping to harmonization to updating. The data specifications implemented during these projects cover most Annex 1 & 2 & 3 data themes from cadastral parcels to land and elevation coverages, from Protected Sites / Conservation Areas to Hydrography and 3D Buildings. These projects also involved all flavors of INSPIRE data from vector data to sensor observations and from raster data to 3D data. Common solution patterns and best practices will be explored as the same general approach was used across most projects, including conceptual mapping, harmonization with spatial etl and publication through network services. Challenges around updating data sets will be discussed, including various frequencies and both automatic and manual processes. The target technologies used for creating the networking services range from ATOM feeds over WFS/WMS to SOS. Lessons learned and emerging trends in effective approaches to leveraging harmonization infrastructure will also be reviewed.

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