25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Marcin Grudzien
Geoportal Division Manager
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography

Marcin Grudzien works in Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography in Poland (Polish NMCA) and is responsible for development and maintenance of national geoportal. He has an experience in INSPIRE implementation on national level including organizational and technical aspects related to data harmonization and publication of standardized spatial data services. He is also a member INSPIRE Maintenance and Interoperability Technical Group.

Geoportal.gov.pl - INSPIREd Tool for e-Government

Spatial information is a foundation for decision-making in the modern state. It describes current relationships and spatial conditions in terms of infrastructure, land, property and environmental phenomena. It allows people to take effective economic, political and social actions and it supports efficient management and allocation of manpower and resources. Establishment of easy and efficient access to this information is the responsibility of every democratic government. The primary goal of building infrastructure for spatial information is to make spatial information – georeferenced data and related services, available to citizens, businesses and public administration. The essence of the spatial information infrastructure is interoperability – understood as the ability to combine spatial data, collected by different entities, using interactive network services related to these data collections. Taking this into account The Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK) as the INSPIRE implementation coordinator in Poland, launched publicly available National Geoportal. GUGiK constantly expand the scope of data available to users, functionality and network services, while striving to provide the highest quality of developed solutions. In the project GUGiK challenges to find a 'golden mean', which ensures that the created system will be an useful tool for various types of national and European stakeholders. GUGiK also struggles to promote spatial data and services. The aim of GUGiK is to make digital public services utilised not only among spatial data infrastructure geeks but also among people, business and public sector. Thus, establishing both GUGiK and spatial data eServices as an essential part of eGovernment.