25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Katia Beringhs
GIS Specialist
Flemish Environment Agency (VMM)

Katia Beringhs has a degree of Master in Science in the Geography and specialised in Geographic Information Systems. She worked on different projects at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) and is currently active at the Flemish Environmental Agency. With the GeoSmartCity project the INSPIRE policy is central in her work. More general the Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM) is active on the front of INSPIRE policy, open data and e-government in Flanders.

INSPIRE Data Specs for US as Standard for Information Exchange

Juliette Dujardin, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Katleen Miserez, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Koen De Witte, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij

The Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM) jumps on the INSPIRE train by adopting the INSPIRE data specifications in a new sewage data model. The agency is responsible for the policy concerning sewage in Flanders. To follow up the expansion of the network, make decisions about the priority of projects, the ecological performance, ... the agency needs a detailed area-wide overview of the sewage system in Flanders. Until now the data were only available on a schematic level. The landscape of sewage managers and therefore also sewage data are very shredded between stakeholders who can be small municipalities as well as bigger companies.
End 2014, beginning of 2015 the VMM finished work on a new exchange model based on INSPIRE data specifications. The data model is created in collaboration with the sewage sector and will allow all stakeholders to deliver the available data in a uniform way.
This initiative is also backed up by the Flemish Information Site regarding Cables and Conduits (KLIP) which was founded after a severe gas explosion in 2004. Since 2009, it is mandatory for everyone executing excavation works in Flanders to apply for plans regarding cables and conduits through the KLIP. In 2016 this exchange of plans will become digital and data will be provided as vector data instead of a wide range of all sorts of plans. The participation will be obligatory for all utility managers and therefore also all sewage managers. Because the VMM aims at maximizing the reuse of existing standards, besides the INSPIRE data specs also the KLIP data model is used as a base for the new data/exchange model. This presentation shows how the INSPIRE data specs and other standards can improve data interoperability and the associated policies. Since the sewage data model is only a small part of the broader road map aiming to create a sewage information system a glimpse of other developments will be given. ICT PSP projects like eENVplus and GeoSmartCity help to realise different stages in this future view by creating desktop and mobile applications which will improve the joint management of the sewage database.