25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Dr. Thomas Heege
Managing Director
EO Map

Dr. Thomas Heege is managing director and founder of EOMAP GmbH & Co.KG, a German company specialized in coastal and inland water monitoring services. EOMAP is providing commercial services for offshore industries and governmental agencies all over the globe. Thomas Heege has more than 20 years experience in aquatic remote sensing and technical consultancy. Prior to founding the EOMAP GmbH&Co.KG, he has worked more than 10 year as a remote sensing physicist and project manager at the German Aerospace Centre DLR.

Commercial satellite supported maritime and water monitoring services, and their co-existence with public space initiatives

A multiplicity of commercial driven companies zero in customized services, and are expected as the dominant driver to increase economic revenues and employment in the space industry: The offshore construction industry, navigation, the fishery industry, and other verticals profit from the satellite supported services, as well as public bodies with customized information on all scales. Examples how the upcoming Sentinel satellites foster significantly the value add will be introduced. Key factors that allow a sustainable uptake of the Copernicus infrastructure to create economic revenues shall be discussed in the view of the above: An efficient spatial data infrastructure, regulations to strengthen the co-existence of public funded programs, commercial driven monitoring services, PPP’s, and open competition in the frame of free market mechanisms.

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