25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Nicola Spafford Furey
Vice President
Earth Focus Foundation

Nicola is an altruist, humanist, environmentalist and Buddhist, a war-baby, born in Oxford, U.K. to an English mother and Canadian, pilot, father. She was bought up in Oxfordshire, in the countryside, spent many happy hours on a pony enjoying farming country and building a deep love and respect for Nature. She is the Vice President of the Earth Focus Foundation, founded to raise awareness to sustainable development among young people and to empower them and help them to be heard through publications, websites, debates, conferences and other activities. Having a life-long interest and pre-occupation for our environment Nicola is the mother of four and grandmother of three. Her strength is to bring people together for positive action towards the future. By providing a platform on which young people can express their preoccupations on the subject of the environment, human rights and more, Nicola encourages the young to build tomorrows World together.

Raising Awareness for Young Students about Mapmaking and Crowd Sourcing

Earth Focus Foundation has, since Rio 92, been raising awareness and sharing knowledge with students about sustainable development, empowering them, listening to them and helping them to be heard, through publications, role-playing debates, conferences and more. We represent the internationally known Green Map Systems Inc. for Switzerland and develop this excellent tool using the language of icons for both positive and negative points of sustainability. This gives a rich learning experience to all ages, making maps and taking responsibility towards their environment, both natural and human. More than 800 maps have been made in 64 countries. Using modern technology, working in a team, meeting with the local community, communicating worldwide and producing a finished tool to share can be life-changing. As these students mature they will need to have knowledge of crowd sourcing so the contacts and research they must do with map-making will serve them well in the future. How to build a project, share, meet with authorities, understand the financing and present the finished product is what we develop with the educational institutions and individuals. We will share Green Mapmaking with you.