Soren Dupke
Consultant Spatial ETL con terra Germany
Biography Soren Dupke is a software engineer and consultant working for con terra's Spatial ETL Team. His work focuses on data harmonization and schema mapping. During the last 5 years S?ren worked on dozens of INSPIRE related data modeling and data transformation projects all over Europe. Based on the experience S?ren implemented the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME to support others with transforming their data.
Abstract Experiences using GML Coverage for INSPIRE
The concept of coverages is part of multiple INSPIRE Annex 2 & 3 data themes. The list includes Orthoimagery, Elevation and Land Cover. Coverage based data types where introduces in the INSPIRE data specifications to enable the exchange of data that is in many cases originating from domains that use raster data, but also more complex data sources are possible. This presentation aims to give an insight into the first experiences with implementing the GML based encoding for coverage data from various projects with different federal data providers in Germany. The experience bases mainly on two projects one with the Umweltbundesamt from Germany. During the project Corine Landcover data was transformed into the INSPIRE Landcover schema. For the second project, which was conducted with the federal state of Saxony orthoimagery and elevation data DSM and DTM data was transformed into the corresponding INSPIRE data schemas. In a first part a detailed description on the implementation of the project and the software used will be given. The second part will focus on the lessons learned and potential problems that were identified in the process of data transformation and providing the coverage data through INSPIRE network services.