25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Joan Olive Lopez
Head of IT Department
Marine Technology Unit
Spanish National Research Council (ICM-CSIC)

Joan Olive Lopez, Born in 1971 in Barcelona, Spain. Master Degree in Open Source technology and Computer Scientist Engineer at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). He has also a Postgraduate of Developing Applications in visual environments. Since 2007, Joan Olivé is employed in UTM-CSIC (http://www.utm.csic.es). He works in oceanographic data acquisition projects, developing scientific software for oceanographic research ships. He has been focus on Geographical Information System for managing marine data and meta-data, using open source technologies. His last activities has been related with the implementation of OGC Web Services: WMS, WFS and WCS over the OGC standards, and the implementation of a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) over OGC that offers SensorML and Web Sensor Services for real time data and instrument description from UTM-CSIC Research vessels.

Citizens' Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring


R. Bardají, Marine Science Institute (ICM-CSIC), Department of Physical Oceanography, Spain
J. Piera, Marine Science Institute (ICM-CSIC), Department of Physical Oceanography, Spain
L. Ceccaroni, Barcelona Digital Technology Centre (BDIGITAL), Spain
J. Sorribas, Unidad de Tecnología Marina. CSIC, Spain

The Citclops European Project aims to develop low-cost technologies to estimate parameters related to water optical properties. The wide variety of sensors involved makes it desirable to have a standardized description of the sensor itself and the data acquired by the sensor. This project presents a practical approach to modeling these descriptions and the graphical representation of this information.