25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Rick Gosalvez
Local Government Market Manager
United States

Rick Gosalvez is Trimble’s market manager for local government. He is responsible for global partnership and product solutions that address local government industry trends.Prior to working with Trimble, Rick worked in the United States with both regional and local governments for land use development, advanced planning, policy analysis, and mega infrastructure project planning. Rick is an active member of the American Planning Association and Urban Land Institute.

Authoritative Data Management: Humanizing Data Collection, Management, and Collaboration

Big Data is everywhere, but not all data is equal. Authoritative data is required for accurate and informed decision-making. Managing authoritative data necessitates a sophisticated combination of integrated systems to enable data to flow from field to office, system to system, and agency to stakeholders; it also requires people. This discussion will share geospatial data management best practices and lessons learned to illustrate how authoritative data positively impacts people, streamlines behavioral change, and enables better decision-making.