25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Sabine Geissler
Scientific Officer
SDI Coordination Office Germany

Sabine Geissler works in the SDI Coordination Office of Germany, located at the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, since 2013. She holds a degree in Geography from the University of Kiel. Before joining the SDI Office she worked in the private GIS sector in the fields of international operations and project management.

German INSPIRE Monitoring 2014 Supported by the GDI-DE Registry

With the development of the GDI-DE Registry, one of the four central components of the SDI Germany, a tool has been integrated to deliver INSPIRE Monitoring information in a new, mainly automated process. An additional application, the Monitoring-Client, used in combination with the GDI-DE Testsuite and the Geodatenkatalog.de (the German INSPIRE discovery service), enables data providers to collect, validate and update INSPIRE relevant information throughout the year. The previous internal collection of the INSPIRE Monitoring information in Germany was quite complex and complicated, carried out through excel sheets. Due to the federal structure the data was delivered in 17 different xls-files and needed to be merged into one by the central SDI coordination office. The data was processed in registry prototype and transformed to several formats (.xml, .html, .xls) for further usage. With the development of the Monitoring-Register and the additional application integrated to the GDI-DE Registry the monitoring process has become simpler and mainly automated. The presentation provides an overview of the implementation of the new process based on the main components of the tool focusing on the usage by data providers and contact points. It will include a report about the experience in delivering the INSPIRE Monitoring information to the EU commission in May 2015 the first time fully supported by the GDI-DE Registry.

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