25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Matthieu Lefebvre
International Sales & Business Development Manager
Aerodata International Surveys

Matthieu Lefebvre has 10 years of experience in product development, project management and business development in geospatial information. He holds a M.Sc. in geodesy, land surveying and remote sensing from the National institute for applied sciences in France. As a technical director, he has managed multidisciplinary teams to ensure the definition, creation and development of new mapping products based on geospatial data engineering, remote sensing and image analysis for various market segments. Since 2013 he is International sales & business development manager at Aerodata international surveys for developing new market segments and geographies in the EMEA region, as well as building partnerships. Since 2014 he is also an elected member at the board of directors in the French association for geospatial information (AFIGEO).

Aerial or Satellite Imagery? The Keys for Making Right Decisions

Users need to make the right choice between satellite and aerial imaging technologies for acquiring their geospatial data. Depending of the operational constraints, weather conditions, the required level of detail, the requested mapping accuracy, repeatability, survey duration, project size or user license, each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. This presentation will thus conduct a proper comparison between these two technologies and give to end users the keys for making right decisions. Some case studies will be introduced to compare both technologies on the field. So join us for this exciting and highly informative session!

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