25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Olaf Veerman
Project Lead
Development Seed

Olaf Veerman leads the Lisbon office of Development Seed and their efforts to contribute to the open data community in Europe. He leads project strategy and implementation and works with clients through the full project cycle. Before joining Development Seed, Olaf lived throughout Latin America where he worked with civil society organizations to create social impact through the use of technology. He is the founder of Flipside, the company that joined forces with Development Seed in the beginning of 2015.

Open Aerospace: Leveraging Open to Create Power Tools

We need power tools for satellite imagery. Tools to search, download, process, and use satellite data faster and easier. Speed and accessibility are key to gain critical insight from satellite data. Open source and open data in aerospace are helping drive innovation and development of these tools and systems. Open satellite data is an incredibly powerful data source that is useful for anything from urban planning to detWeecting the effects of climate change or conflict. The same NGOs, researchers, and small government agencies that stand to benefit most from this data, often lack the specialized technical expertise to process and use it. Open source applications and systems are helping improve access to open satellite data. This talk will highlight new developments in open source power tools for satellite imagery. We will discuss the importance of appropriate and accessible tools and where we see room for growth by drawing on our own experience. will give examples of the tools that have been most helpful in setting up solid satellite imagery pipelines. One of these tools is Landsat-util, an open source command line utility that helps people search, download and process Landsat-8 imagery (https://github.com/developmentseed/landsat-util). We'll discuss how Landsat-util has been used and where improvements can be made.

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