25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

Peter ter Haar
Director of Products
Ordnance Survey
United Kingdom

Simply Removing the Price-Tag Doesn't Create Useful Open Data!!

Co-Author: David Henderson, Head of Data Products, Ordnance Survey

As the growth in Open Data published by government continues to accelerate, the need to underpin this with high quality and maintained geospatial data has never been greater. In Great Britain, open geospatial data has been ubiquitously available from Ordnance Survey, the National Mapping Agency since 2010. A wide range of case studies will be presented that demonstrate the application of this open data in support of successful initiatives that deliver economic growth, increased public sector transparency and citizen inspired social good. As traditional map-based open data becomes ever more pervasive in society - whether from authoritative or crowd-based sources‚ the need for geospatial context to develop accordingly will continue. However, this is not as simple as removing the price-tag from existing and well established products. The need to reach-out and engage with new users to ensure the design and creation of next generation open data is paramount to achieving increased value to a broader range of stakeholders including all of those who champion policy, economic or societal benefits. This presentation will provide insight into how geospatial open data has become an established part of the national product portfolio maintained by Ordnance Survey, Great Britain and will discuss recent initiatives to further its reach and current value.

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