Luisa Bettili
Project Manager, e-geos, Italy
Luisa is covering the role of Project Manager within the Program division at e-GEOS. She has recently started coordinating the CENTAUR project led by e-GEOS (Horizon Europe calls for space 2021-2022 managed by HaDEA) in the framework of the Copernicus Security and Emergency services evolution; coordinating the project management and technical activities within the ESA-GDA-Fragility, Conflicts and Security program led by e-GEOS. Luisa previously covered the role of Technical Manager within the Emergency Services and Operations division at e-GEOS, coordinating on-duty technical operations and performing periodical reporting. Luisa held a Ph.D in Civil/Environmental Engineering at the University of Roma Tre and in collaboration with FAO (United Nations), towards a knowledge-based Decision Support System for water resources management in developing contexts of Uganda, Burkina Faso, Tajikistan.