
Dmytro Makarenko

Dmytro Makarenko

Deputy Chairman, StateGeoCadastre, Ukraine


Dmytro Makarenko is an international relations specialist with more than 12 years of experience in various government positions.

In 2014 joined to the team of State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, where he acted on various positions and was responsible and supported the policy formulation of National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Ukraine, initiated and managed numerous international projects in geospatial data, land management and capacity development.

During this period, he was responsible also for the international representation of Ukraine on behalf of the StateGeoCadastre, participating and sharing of the Ukraine's progress and experience in the geospatial data development.

Starting from Oct 2020 as a member of NSDI developers team from Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography supported the ongoing geospatial process in the country which resulted in launching of the NSDI pilot geoportal.

Dmytro also acted as NSDI Advisor to international experts' team (USAID and Norway Mapping Authority) and provided the consultancy in the geospatial sector, particularly in conducting the IGIF assessment and country action plan for Ukraine and contributed to the agenda of high level NSDI Council in Ukraine.