Speaker Bio & Abstract

Niels Bosch Traffic Consultant
Royal HaskoningDHV
The Netherlands

BiographyNiels Bosch is a taffic consultant at Royal HaskoningDHV with a passion of GIS for more than 20 years. In most projects, Niels uses GIS to make the consultancy work geographically transparent. The ESRI suite is used for this purpose, with which the generated websites help the client to gain a better insight into their task. For the advisory group Sustainable Mobility Niels is the GIS Coordinator. AbstractSPV Viewer: how to adopt open dataRoad safety policy in the Netherlands has changed from a reactive policy to a risk-driven policy. This change implies a data driven approach. Data analysis provides insight into high-risk locations where road authorities can take measures to improve traffic safety. To implement this new policy properly, Royal HaskoningDHV has developed the SPV Viewer. It offers access to data via a web-based environment without the municipality needing to purchase additional software.

It provides insight into locations and themes where data is lacking. By working with the data themselves, the need for good data is recognized and an improved update and completeness of the open dataset can be achieved.

In a presentation we explain how we have tried to connect to the Strategic Plan for Road Safety and how road authorities can use the tool to detect high-risk locations. In the presentation we call for embracing open data and using it in policy making. We also show the shortcomings in open data and why it is important to improve this data.