Speaker Bio & Abstract

Sima Saadi PhD Student
University of Bourgogne

AbstractSpatial Analysis of the Impact of ICT in Business Environment Sustainability: A Comparative Study in Iran and FranceGiven the importance of sustainability in economic activities in recent decades and the globalization of the economy, research on the factors affecting it is very important, one of these factors can be introduced as ICT that plays an important role in the sustainability of business environments, and increase communication between different areas and identify areas with high potential. In addition, this issue has provided the necessary ground for electronic transformation in businesses and moving towards sustainable development and Location dynamics. for this reason, special attention has been paid to the discussion of organizational sustainability in business processes in recent years, so that technological advances, organizations, and management policies are forcing changes such as market dynamics, environmental laws, and sustainable innovations to promote organizational sustainability. Therefore, this research explores the impact of ICT on the Sustainability of Business to improve the design of current and future Business, and Residential preferences in big, medium, and small cities as well as villages. The objective is to make a comparison between Iran and France in order to (1) Determine the level of sustainability of the business environment; (2) Evaluate the Level of ICT Development to Improve the Sustainability of the Business Environment; (3) Analysis of the Impact of ICT on the Sustainability of the Business Environment and spatial analysis in all cases. Methodologically, after collecting the data in both case studies we use statistical analysis in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and R, and Spatial statistics analysis in ArcMap. In addition, spatial data allows investigating the potential of sustainability within PostgreSQL and PostGIS. Then the differences and the similarities between both case studies can be shown in terms of ICT level, business environments, and ultimately the sustainability potentials.