Speaker Bio & Abstract

Salvatore Amaduzzi Professor
University of Udine

BiographySalvatore Amaduzzi has been in the GIS industry and education since early 90s, in charge of Partnership and Internationalization in OverIT. Geomarketing analyst and project manager in many projects. Professor of Geomatic at the University of Udine, Venice and Ahmedabad (India). He is working in the integration between GIS and Augmented Reality since 2016 and have set up POC (Proof Of Concepts) in different fields.AbstractGIS and Augmented Reality in Field ServicesUnion between GIS and “virtual" data allows users to visualize geospatial data in the real world, enriching with information otherwise invisible. The GIS application we present enables to view networks and technical assets in Augmented Reality. On back-end side, it allows to manage and configure the connection with external GIS systems. Based on their position, field users display on their device data coming from a geodatabase (pipes, assets, buildings) in Augmented Reality by overlapping them to the observed reality. Although all parameters to graphically represent the assets come from a GIS service (e.g. Esri Feature Service), which exposes data regarding size, color, layer compared to the ground level, etc., they can be customized through the application: users can include 3D models in the application representing the layers as real assets, instead of points. The GIS application runs both on handheld devices and on smartglasses. Other wearable devices, such as smartwatches, can also be used to increase the accuracy of the user's position and give a more precise representation. Moreover, such integration becomes essential when monitoring field technicians' safety: through advanced sensors on smartwatches and smartphones, the operators' vital signs are measured in order to efficiently and promptly manage emergency situations.