Speaker Bio & Abstract

PanellistMatthew Pennells Digital Transformation Business Development Manager
Esri (Middle East & Africa Region)

BiographyMatthew Pennells is an Information Management professional, specialising in location intelligence and digital business transformation, with an extensive career in public, private and voluntary sectors. Currently Matthew heads up Digital Transformation at Esris Dubai office covering the MEA region driving growth strategies and new market approaches. He also volunteers his time to support GIS Professionals and the humanitarian sector. His work with the international humanitarian mapping charity MapAction has seen him deployed to disaster affected areas around the world. AbstractThe main focus for this part of the discussion will be the Federated Information System for SDGs (FIS4SDGs) which the United Nation Statistics Division is pushing and can be seen via www.sdg.org. To maximise the outputs of the GEO4SDGs discussion around data gaps at GWF 2020. The speaker would like to put a ‘challenge’ to countries attending to get involved and create a data hub for their country.