Speaker Bio & Abstract

SpeakerKuo-Yu Slayer Chuang CEO

BiographyKuo-Yu Slayer Chuang is the co-founder and CEO of GeoThings, the developing company of geoBingAn EOC-on-demand service. Chuang is the standard editor of OGC Open GeoSMS and ITU Q.3615, also was the board director of Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT).AbstractStrengthening the Disaster Resilience with ICT based EOC, geoBingAn for Fiji NDMOAbout 730 evacuees in PacWave2018 and more than 1700 students, including those from Fiji School for Blind, in World Tsunami Awareness Day 2019, were safely guided and efficiently evacuated because of the proper situation coordination with geoBingAn. In this paper, we will introduce how this ICT-based EOC, geoBingAn, works for Fiji NDMO with its innovative features that combined GIS, situation report, evacuation map, and shelter management.