Speaker Bio & Abstract

David Foster Public Safety and Forensic Investigations Technical Lead
RIEGL International

BiographyDave, with over 30 years Police experience, is the Public Safety and Forensic Investigations Technical Lead for RIEGL, advising both RIEGL with their development of hardware, software and workflows to share, and to end clients to achieve best productivity whilst capturing a comprehensive dataset of any major crime, terrorist and crash scene. He has advised a number of Police Forces and assisted with active investigations of a high profile and sensitive nature.AbstractUtilising 3D LiDAR for pre-event security planning and post event scene documentation efficientlyA one-touch laser scanner can be utilized to accurately document locations e.g. sporting venues, and areas subject to heightened security measures and increased threats. Operators utilising the fast scanning and on-board registration of a laser scanner can give planners highly accurate 3D plans rapidly giving excellent perspectives of where to locate resources and analyse the most likely threat scenarios. For large sporting events, organisers have access to the whole stadium and surroundings in 3D to manage crowds and develop escape route strategies “just in case". In the event of a major incident, first responders have detailed plans from which to work coordinated with live video for example, and evidential data capture can concentrate on the relevant specifics of the incident. The speed of sensors allows the scene to be documented very rapidly, post incident.