Speaker Bio & Abstract

Sophie Crommelinck PhD Candidate
ITC - University of Twente
The Netherlands

BiographySophie Crommelinck gained her BSc in geography and MSc in geoinformatics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, the Netherlands. In her PhD research, she is investigating automated image-based mapping of land tenure through image analysis and machine learning as part of the H2020 EU project its4land with supervision from Mila Koeva, Michael Yang and George Vosselman.Abstractits4land aims to deliver an innovative suite of land tenure recording tools that respond to sub Saharan Africa’s immense challenge to rapidly and cheaply map millions of unrecognized land rights in the region. ICT innovation is intended to play a key role. Many existing ICT-based approaches to land tenure recording in the region have failed: disputes abound, investment is impeded, and the community’s poorest lose out.

its4land seeks to reinforce strategic collaboration between the EU and East Africa via a scalable and transferrable ICT solution. Established local, national, and international partnerships seek to drive the project results beyond R&D into the commercial realm. its4land combines an innovation process with emerging geospatial technologies, including smart sketchmaps, UAVs, automated feature extraction, and geocloud services, to deliver land recording services that are end-user responsive, market driven, and fit-for-purpose. The transdisciplinary work also develops supportive models for governance, capacity development, and business capitalization. The experienced consortium is multi-sectorial, multi-national, and multidisciplinary.

The project runs from February 2016 until January 2020. We would like to use this opportunity to invite you to check out the current state of our work during the poster presentation and on our website www.its4land.com