Speaker Bio & Abstract

Nedal Al Hanbali GIS Manager, Spatial Data, Properties Sector
Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities

AbstractA smart enterprise geospatial platform and applications with 3D capabilities. It is unifying various urban planning and municipal web/mobile applications/systems titled: Smart Geoplanner, GeoSmart, MSSI, Makani, Al Ain Spatial Oasis, Aqarat, and Onwani systems. MSSI is the core of Data storage Hub, unification and ETL processing, where it is fed by Urban Planning and the three municipalities (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra) and the external stake holders with over 700 layers into consolidated single seamless geospatial database warehouse at DPM. The HUB is sharing with our internal and AD-SDI stakeholder community over 300 web map services. The Geo HUB platform is built using the latest OGC compliant COTs, open-source and ESRI technologies. Its mobile apps on IOS and Android has 2d and 3D capabilities and integrated with Abu Dhabi Onwani addressing system.

The platform has live integrations with other governmental business systems like land management system, e-perming, building data management system, Rental system (Tawtheeq), CRM and Capital Investment System , using ArcGIS and secured web services. The GeoSmart application visualizes data using the latest vector tiling technologies in 3D and design to have over many spatial tools (basic, analysis, advance analysis, smart analysist, reporting, ETL, and printing). In addition the platform has full administration capabilities for access levels, user roles, layer managements, permission (applications, tools, feature data sets, feature classis and to the attribute level). The system has operation and planning as well as dashboard capabilities that allows the planner, engineer and citizen to utilize spatial technology in a very easy-to-use application without the need for any specialized software solutions. The public portal for the citizen provides spatial services via web and mobile apps for land, community facility, development code and addressing systems MyLand and OnwaniClick.