Speaker Bio & Abstract

Refiz Duro Scientist
Austrian Institute of Technology

BiographyScientist and data analyst with scientific, technical and practical experience within the fields of crisis and disaster management, remote sensing and data analytics.Abstract Refiz Duro, Sebastian Sippl, Peter Kutschera | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Kevin Sturm, Tanja Gasber | GeoVille Information System

Kuo-Yu Chuang | GeoThings
Natural disasters require decision making based on reliable and timely available information, which is primarily based on collecting and evaluating the data from the area affected by a disaster. To achieve high levels of reliability and accuracy, and to minimize the errors that may lead to wrong decision making and misplaced spending of resources, intelligently selected state of the art technologies need to be applied.

In our approach, very high-resolution Earth Observation (EO) satellite technologies provide the data and imagery from a high vantage point covering large areas with a spatial resolution on a sub-meter level, and which also serves to initiate data collecting activities on the ground. In-field activities, i.e., crowdtasking involves volunteers that are assigned data-collecting tasks (e.g., provide photos from a specific location, confirm/reject information from EO), which come to complement and to bypass some typical EO limitations (lacking information due to viewing angles). Gathered data is then evaluated by a geospatial crisis mapping solution in real-time, thus offering response coordinators improved situational awareness, and a way to additionally save time, optimize resource allocation and minimize the human and material losses.

The system has recently been implemented and displayed in a national earthquake drill day in Taiwan.