Speaker Bio & Abstract

Prof. Chen Jun Chief Scientist
National Geomatics Centre

Biography"Chen Jun received his education on photogrammetry and remote sensing in both China and France. He became an associate professor in 1987 and full professor in 1992 in Wuhan University. In 1995, he joined National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC), and served as the NGCC president from 2000 to 2009. He is now chief scientist of NGCC.

He has led a number of key research and operational projects in the field of geo-information, including global land cover mapping at 30 meter resolution, updating of national databases at 1:50,000 scales, mapping Ming Great Wall with remote sensing, dynamic and multi-dimensional data modeling, and service-oriented dynamic geo-computing. He has developed Voronoi-based 9-intersection model, spectral gradient-based change detection algorithm, et.cl, and published more than 100 journal papers.

Since 1993, he has supervised more than 40 PhD students. Chen Jun has been active in both national and international societies. He was the president of China Association of GIS from 1999-2011. He has served the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ISPRS since 1996 and is now ISPRS president (2012-2016). He is also a member of the editorial board of International Journal of Geographic Information Sciences (IJGIS) and ISPRS Journal of Geo-information Sciences ." AbstractA comprehensive evaluation of sustainable development progress of the county by integrating statistical and geospatial data. Among all the 232 global indicators, some 100 indicators are found applicable to Deqing and some of them need to be localized for effective evaluation. The results will consist of a report and Web-based knowledge- service system, which will be used as live example for discussion: - How the overall progress towards SDGs can be measured and assessed using statistical and geospatial information; How far is Deqing from achieving the SDGs, and which are its most important SDG challenges Which data and technology gaps need to be filled to support better monitoring and reporting over time As many local and national governments are facing similar challenges, this case study may be able to provide experience for reference by other countries.