Speakers Bio & Abstract

Vincent Rifici Regional Director

BiographyVincent Rifici joined Luciad in 2013 and currently serves as its Regional Director with a focus on Asia and Southeast Europe. Vincent has a longstanding career as business developer and has successfully operated in over 80 countries worldwide over the past 15 years. He holds a masters degree in Political Science from the University of Leuven. Abstract Why Dynamic Datastreams are causing a Paradigm Shift in Geospatial C4ISR ArchitecturesFrom strategic HQ level down to the dismounted soldier involved in a tactical operation, Luciad is assisting military organizations worldwide to rethink the geospatial architectures of their Command and Control ( C2 ) and Intellgence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance ( ISR ) systems.

Conventional GIS technologies are ill-equipped to handle the vast and rapid influx of real-time datafeeds that characterize todays digital battlefield. The presentation will explain why defense organizations worldwide, from NATO to the United States Special Operations Command, go through a paradigm shift in order to gain informational superiority, both when engaging in conventional warfare and when combating asymmetric threats such as terrorism.