Speakers Bio & Abstract

George Guy Thomas Managing Director

BiographyGuy has a unique mix of experience in maritime and aerospace operations, (including 7 years plus in hostile environments), concept development, and operational test/evaluation. An innovative thinker, he is a well-proven leader of technical projects, war games, operational requirements definition, program management, public speaking and professional writing, for a broad range of US agencies and their foreign partners. He has organized and participated in dozens of live tests, technical and policy studies, and conferences.
He conceived satellite AIS (S-AIS) in 2001, securing funding in 2004. (His third invention. C-SIGMA envisions linking together existing unclassified space system capabilities in a worldwide collaborative network via coordinated regional centers for international GLOBAL MARITIME AWARENESS to provide security, safety, environmental protection, resource conservation, as well as disaster mitigation and recovery.Abstract The Game Changers at SeaSatellite AIS is dramatically changing maritime operations for the good. In the 21st century it is well known that the cyber world has expanded exponentially but unnoticed by many, since 2004 and increasing steadily since then, there has also been an on-going revolution in space-based Earth observation systems and, led by space-based AIS, their utility over the world's waterways has increased dramatically. These capabilities not only support safety and security at sea but can also significantly assist in economic and environmental stewardship and resource protection, as well as disaster mitigation/recovery. This is especially true of the remote areas of the world such as the Arctic, and the resource rich areas in the underdeveloped world such as the Gulf of Guinea, the South China Sea, Micronesia, and the Indian Ocean. In that no one country has sufficient resources, including space craft, substantial international collaboration is essential to achieving these objectives in a balanced manner. Among the greatest need, as well as the greatest opportunities for international collaboration are presented by the multiple national and regional efforts to develop the doctrine and concept of operations to coordinate the use of the space technologies for use in the Arctic and other areas.