NRSC User Interaction Meet – 2018

Programme Schedule

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Technical Session-1 : ISRO- An Overview :09:00-10:30 Hall 5
Co-Chair:Dr. P.G. Diwakar, Scientific Secretary, ISRO
Co-Chair: Shri.V.RaghuVenkataraman, DD (ASDM&OA)
09:00-09:15 ISRO EO Future Missions and Applications-Dr.ShantanuBatwdekar- Director, EOS
09:15-09:30 Data Products & Services – Dr. N.Aparna, GHNDC, NRSC
09:30-09:45 Remote Sensing Data Applications in Governance - Dr.P.V.N.Rao, DD (RSA), NRSC
09:45-10:00 GAGAN &NAVIC Applications Overview -Dr.S.Muralikrishnan, Head (DP&VASD), NRSC
10:00-10:15 Educational Opportunities - Dr.V.K.Dadhwal, Director, IIST
10:15-10:30 Discussions
Networking Tea/ Coffee break , Visit to Exhibition : 10:30 -11:30
Technical Session-2 : Emerging Products and Services - 11:30 -13:30 Hall 5
CO-Chair:Shri. AnuragShrivastav, IFS, MP Forest
Co-Chair: Shri. B. Gopala Krishna, DD,DPPA&WAA
11:30-11:45 Satellite Data Reception - Smt.G.Umadevi, DD (SDR&ISA), NRSC
11:45-12:00 Trends in Data Processing Techniques - Dr.Dhar, GD (SIPG), SAC
12:00-12:15 Aerial Data Products and Services - Shri. P.Srinivasulu, GD (AS&DMG), NRSC
12:15-12:30 BhuvanServices - Shri. VinodBothale, GD, G&WGS
12:30-12:45 Panchayat Raj Applications - Shri. Uday Raj, CGM (RCs)
12:45-13:00 Climate & Environment Data Products - Dr.M.V.R.Seshasai, DD (ECSA), NRSC
13:00-13:15 Space Policy/Business - Shri.A.Arunachalam, Director, RSD&S, ANTRIX
13:15-13:30 NRSC Outreach Perspectives –Dr. RajashreeBothale, GM Outreach Facility
Lunch : 13:30-14:30
Technical Session-3 : Space for all through Bhuvan - 14:30 -16:00 Hall 5
Co-Chair: Shri. P. Kunhikrishnan, Director, SHAR
Co-Chair : Dr. PVN Rao, DD,RSA
14:30-14:45 National Hydrology Project - Shri.Akhil, Kumar,Joint Secretary, MoWR
14:45-15:00 Societal Applications – e-governance – Watershed Development - Shri. Amit Kumar, Director, Neeranchal, DoLR
15:00-15:15 Application of Remote Sensing & GIS in Forest Fire Management -Shri. E. Vikram, Deputy Director, Forest Survey of India
15:15-15:30 Drought Management – Shri. K. Srinivas, Joint Secretary, Drought Management
15:30-15:45 Use of Geospatial Technology for Effective Water Management in Telangana State - Case Study of Telangana Water Resources Information System-Shri. K. Vamshee Krishna , TWRIS
15:45-16:00 Applications of Geospatial Technology for Mineral Exploration-Shri.Abhijit Kumar, NMDC
Networking Tea/ Coffee break , Visit to Exhibition : 16:00 -16:30
Technical Session-4 : Utilisation of Space Technology in States - 16:30 -18:00 Hall 5
Co-Chair:Dr. V. Bhanumurthy, Associate Director, NRSC
Co-Chair:Dr. P.L.N.Raju, Director, NESAC
16:30-16:45 NESAC- Spearheading The Operational Remote Sensing Services In North Eastern Region Of India ,Dr. P.L.N.Raju, Director, NESAC
16:45-17:00 Use of Geospatial Technology for Rural Development in Rajasthan - Shri. Rohit Kumar, Principal Secretary, Rural Development, Govt. of Rajasthan
17:00-17:15 Sub Scheme on formulation of GIS Based Master Plan for AMRUT Cities- Shri. Mohd. Monis Khan, TCPO, New Delhi
17:15-17:30 Indian Remote Sensing Satellites - Experiences of Uttar Pradesh- Shri. Rajamani Head, Geospatial Databank Division, RSAC UP
17:30-17:45 Analysis of Crop Acreage in the Major and Medium Irrigation Projects of Telangana State using Geospatial Technology- Shri. Shiva Gangaiah KP, I& CAD Department, Telangana
17:45-18:00 Development of Online Nuclear Emergency Response Decision Support System
ONERS-II – Benchmarking simulations for PHWR-LOCA-
Ms. R Deepu, IGCAR, Kalpak am
Friday, January 19, 2018
Parallel Session : 09:00-11:00
Technical Session-5 : Space Applications in Land / Water/Vegetation Hall 5
Co-Chair : Prof. SurendranathPasupalak, VC OUAT
Co-Chair :Dr. Uday Raj, CGM, RC
09:00-09:15 Smt. T.K.Sreedevi, Commissioner & Director of Municipal Adm. - Urban Applications
09:15-09:30 E-Farming – A Central Based Authorization System for Sustainable Agriculture Development – Shri. BalajiAriputhiran, NEXT Techno Enterprises Private Ltd.
09:30-09:45 Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Nuapada District, Odisha - A Geospatial Approach- Ms.SmrutiRekhaSahoo, MPC Autonomous College, Baripada, Odisha
09:45-10:00 Land use land cover classification and soil carbon sequestration in Haliyaltaluka of Uttara Kannada district using Remote Sensing and GIS technique - Dr. A.G.Koppad, Natural Resource Management, College of Forestry, Sirsi
10:00-10:15 Mapping Agroforestry area in Raigarh and Bilaspur districts using RS-2/LISS III Satellite Data, Dr.R.H.Rizvi, Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi
10:15-10:30 Application of Geospatial techniques to explore linkages between urban growth and cultural setting of a Historical city-Ms. DhariniJha, IIT - Kharagpur
10:30-10:45 Proposing economic development measures for Vatrak sub-watershed using Geo-infomatics based visualization of local environmental parameters and Estimation of NDVI-Shri. Naveenchandra N Shrivastava, Administrative Staff College of India
10:45-11:00 Application Of UAV In Mapping And Monitoring Of Coal Mines -Shri. Rajneesh Kumar, CMPDI , Ranchi
Parallel Session : 09:00-11:00
तकनीकी सत्र-6 : हिन्दी सत्र – Web GIS applications & Location Based Services Hall 2.02-03
सह-अध्यक्ष: श्री विष्णु चन्द्र,उप महा निदेशक Mr.Vishnu Chandra Deputy Director General, NIC,
सह-अध्यक्ष : श्रीमती सरला रविंद्रनाथ, संयुक्त निदेशक, राजभाषा Smt Sarala Ravindranath, Jt. Director, OL
09:00-09:15 राष्ट्रीय आसूचना केन्द्र का बहु परत जीआईएस मंच श्री विष्णु चन्द्र,महा उपनिदेशक,एन आई सी
Mr.Vishnu Chandra, Deputy Director General, NIC
09:15-09:30 ओडिशा के लिए वेब जी आई एस एवं स्थान आधारित सेवाएं,डॉ प्रदीप मिश्रा, ओ आर सैक
09:30-09:45 प्राकृतिक संसाधन, नागरिक सेवा एवं आपदा प्रबंधन में भौगोलिक सूचना प्रणाली की भूमिका"
Dr. Sandeep Goyal, MPCOST
09:45-10:00 सैटेलाइट डाटा और क्राउड सोर्सिंग द्वारा फसल अवशेषों को जलाने की निगरानी, निधि कुंडू , एच आर सैक
Nidhi kundu, Haryana remote sensing SAC
10:00-10:15 अंतरिक्ष और जीआईएस तकनीक द्वारा पंजाब के भविष्य का निर्माण, डॉ ब्रिजेन्द्र पटेरिया, पंजाब सुदूर संवेदन केंद्र चंडीगढ़-
Dr.Brijendra Pateriya PRSAC
10:15-10:30 अंतरिक्ष प्रद्योगिकी पर आधारित उपकरणों और अनुप्रयोगों का प्रशासन तथा विकास में योगदान,खुशबू मिर्ज़ा, क्षेत्रीय केंद्र, नई दिल्ली -Ms.Kh
ushbooMirza, RC, Delhi
10:30-10:45 झारखंड राज्य के संदर्भ में वेब जीआईएस के अनुप्रयोग, श्री सर्वेश सिंघल निदेशक, जे सैक
Mr.SarveshSinghal, Director, JSAC
10:45-11:00 जलवायु परिवर्तन, चरम घटनाएँ और स्थान विशिष्ठ सेवाओं में बिग डेटा और भुवन की उपयोगिता,डॉ राजश्री बोथाले
Dr. RajshriBothale, NRSC
Networking Tea/ Coffee break , Visit to Exhibition : 11:00 -12:00
Technical Session-7 : Space Applications in Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate Sciences – 12:00 -13:30 Hall 5
Co-Chair : Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Director, IIRS
Co-Chair :Dr. MVR Seshasai, DD, ECSA
12:00-12:15 Use of Remote Sensing & GIS in Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana(RKVY) and Soil Health Card-Smt. A. Neeraja,Joint Secretary (INM),MoAC&FW
12:15-12:30 Spatio-Temporal Analysis of KanikaIsland,Orissa-Logambal,National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai
12:30-12:45 Population Pressure On Landuse/ Landcover Dynamic Of Chilika Catchment, Odisha-Jajnaseni Rout, Chilika Development Authority
12:45-13:00 Analysis of land use / land cover and mangrove density with its ground biomass using remote sensing satellite data-Bhushan O. Kachawe, Aeltares Enterprise (OPC) Private Limited, Mumbai
13:00-13:15 Use of LISS-IV in Forest cover and Density estimation in Madhya Pradesh- Aparnaa Dwivedi, Madhya Pradesh Forest Department - IT Wing, Bhopal
13:15-13:30 Discussions
Lunch : 13:30-14:30
Technical Session-8 : Advanced Remote Sensing Data Collection and Processing - 14:30 – 15:30 Hall 5
Co-Chair: TBD
Co-Chair: Smt.G. Umadevi, DD (SDR&ISA)
14:30- 14:45 Use of Remote Sensing Data in Geological Survey and Sensor Specifications for Geoscience Applications- Dr V Singaraju, DDG, Geological Survey of India
14:45- 15:00 UAV a turning point in Geomatics-Dr. Kamal Jain, IIT Roorkee
15:00-15:15 Satellite Imagery based Surveillance of Pipeline ROW-IndrajitSaha,Pipelines Head Office, Noida
15:15-15:30 Identification and Mapping of Weak Geological features using High Resolution Multispectral Remote Sensing Satellite Data-Anish Mohan, NHPC, Faridabad
Concluding Session 15:30-16:15 Hall 5
Chief Guest: Shri. K. Sivan, Chairman, ISRO
15:30- 15:45 Report on Proceedings of UIM - Dr.N. Aparna, GHNDC
15:45-16:00 Feedback Report- Smt. D. Kaveri Devi
16:00-16:15 Q&A and Concluding Session
Networking Tea/ Coffee break , Visit to Exhibition : 16:15 -16:30 Hall 5