Janusz Dygaszewicz
Director Central Statistical Office Poland
Biography Director of Programming and Coordination Department at the Central Statistical Office of Poland. Expert in IT and GIS technology, statistics, spatial data and spatial analysis, enterprise architecture, computer sciences, and telecommunication. Creator and manager of the GEOPORTAL.GOV.PL project. Currently a member of numerous steering committees and consulting councils, including: head of the UNECE task force on census technology; UN-GGIM expert, President of EFGS - European Forum for Geography and Statistics.Abstract Point based statistical framework - a foundation for high quality spatial statisticsIn the 2010-2011 census round, the Central Statistical Office of Poland (CSO) has made a great effort in improving the spatial aspect of producing statistical data. Address points for dwelling locations have then been created by official statistics forces and are since continuously updated. The address point database allowed collecting census data with reference to a single point and is used to date as spatial reference for all desirable survey frames. Building a point based statistical framework was a giant step in producing high quality spatially referenced data. In 2013 CSO has launched the Geostatistics Portal and published census results for many kinds of territorial units (administrative and statistical) as well as in statistical grids of 1 km2 cell size. This satisfied a high demand for statistical data in units lower than LAU2. Collecting statistical data with reference to a point also allows advanced spatial analyses. This year a new functionality surfaced in the Geostatistics Portal allowing users to perform queries on data using a freely drawn polygon. Now users can define their area of interest (e.g. an urban block) and get detailed statistics for that area. The production of statistics based on points gives many possibilities for data dissemination. Georeferenced statistical data can be aggregated to any desired division of space, such as statistical, administrative units or grid cells as long as statistical confidentiality is maintained. This takes statistical data production to a whole new level.