Conformance testing in SDIs - challenges and opportunities
Registries – a crucial component for interoperability
Friday, 29 May 2015, 1530 – 1700 hrs
Conformance testing in SDIs - challenges and opportunities
The workshop will present challenges and opportunities in the ongoing work on conformance testing in INSPIRE, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and other geospatial initiatives. It will will also discuss the relevance of conformance testing for supporting SDI implementers, certification, marketing and procurement.
Registries – a crucial component for interoperability
Spatial data infrastructure (SDIs) like INSPIRE involve a number of items, which require unambiguous descriptions and the possibility to be referenced through unique identifiers. Examples for such items include the code lists, feature concepts, coordinate reference systems or application schemas. Registers provide a means to assign identifiers to items (and their definition/description). Information systems for the maintenance of registers are called registries.
Managing and making available items in registers offers several benefits:
- Registration of items supports wider use of registered items by making them publicly available to SDI users.
- Registers provide a mechanism for managing temporal change (of available items of a certain type and their definitions).
- Registers may be used to make sets of standardized tags available for encoding of registered items in data or metadata.
- Registers can support cultural and linguistic adaptability by providing both a means for recording equivalent names of items used in different languages, cultures, application areas and professions, and a means for making those equivalent names publicly available.
The workshop will present challenges and opportunities in the ongoing INSPIRE work on registers and registries and how to link them into registry federations. The workshop will present a testbed for linking central European registers with national and thematic registers that extend the European registers.
It will also provide an opportunity to the participants to experience in a hands-on session two re-usable SDI registry implementations, the UKGovLD Registry and the ARE3NA Re3gistry. At the end of the workshop, participants will have an opportunity to give their view / feedback in a round-table discussion.
- SDI users, data and service providers
- SDI architects
- Experts on semantics, vocabularies and thesauri
Instructions for participants: will be announced on
- Introduction to the INSPIRE work on registers and registries
- The INSPIRE registry federation testbed
- Hands-on session
- UKGovLD Registry
- ARE3NA Re3gistry
- Round-table discussion to provide feedback
Joint Research Centre