Speakers Bio & Abstract

ALESSANDRO ANNONI Head of Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit
Joint Research Centre
European Commission

Abstract Public Private Partnership: is this concept still valid? According to EU Regulation No 549/2013
"Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are long-term contracts between two units, whereby one unit acquires or builds an asset or set of assets, operates it for a period and then hands the asset over to a second unit. Such arrangements are usually between a private enterprise and government but other combinations are possible, with a public corporation as either party or a private non-profit institution as the second party. Governments engage in PPPs for a variety of reasons, such as the hope that private managements will lead to more efficient production and that access to a broader range of financial sources can be obtained and the wish to reduce government debt. In the contract period the PPP contractor has the legal ownership. Once the contract period is over, the government has both economic and legal ownership.
Some examples exist at European level:
• The 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP) is a €1.4 billion joint initiative between the European ICT industry and the European Commission to rethink the infrastructure and to create the Next generation of communication networks and services that will provide ubiquitous super-fast connectivity and seamless service delivery in all circumstances.
• The Factories of the Future Public- Private Partnership (FoF PPP) aim at helping EU manufacturing enterprises, in particular SMEs, to adapt to global competitive pressure by developing the key enabling technologies across a broad range of sectors. It will help European industry to meet increasing global consumer demand for greener, more customised and higher quality products.
• The Future Internet PPP (FI-PPP) aims to advance Europe's competitiveness in Future Internet technologies and to support the emergence of Future Internet-enhanced applications of public and social relevance. The FI-PPP will make infrastructures and business processes smarter (i.e. more intelligent, more efficient, more sustainable) through tighter integration with Internet networking and computing capabilities, while looking at different sectors such as transport, health, and energy. It defines possible innovative business models for these sectors.
• The European Green Vehicles Initiative is a contractual Public-Private Partnership (EGVI PPP) dedicated to delivering green vehicles and mobility system solutions which match the major societal, environmental and economic challenges ahead. With a focus on the energy efficiency of vehicles and alternative powertrains, the EGVI PPP aims to accelerate research, development and demonstration of technologies for the efficient use of clean energies in road transport.
This presentation aims to discuss three relevant issues:
• Why access to Public Data is important for better service provision
• Which are the obstacles to be addressed for cross-border services (EU single market)
• Is Public Sector ready to adapt and play a new role in the evolving and dynamic digital landscape (including impact of platformisation)