Open data technology, practices and policies


Many governments around the world have committed to make public data accessible through government portals using open standards. Although this is a great step in encouraging innovation, the success of an open data policy still depends on various factors. For example, the data should be in a spatially-enabled format, machine-readable, freely available via open API, accompanied by metadata, and most importantly, the data should be kept up to date at all time. This is absolutely essential as data maintenance is often overlooked, hence hindering the maximum benefit of open data policy. The session shall feature some successful open data practices and the latest technology that could support open data policy.


25 May 2016 0900 - 1100 hrs
Mark de Vries
The Netherlands
Marleen Van Damme Coordinator of DOV and MercatorNet
The Environment, Nature and Energy Department in Flanders
Maarten Storm Geo Information Specialist
Alterra, Wageningen UR
The Netherlands
Richard Witmer Product Manager Topography and Imagery
Dutch Kadaster
The Netherlands
Keiran Millard Standards Consultant
British Standards Institution (BSI Group)
United Kingdom
Isabella Tonioli Advisor GIS – Department of Geo-Information
Municipality of The Hague
The Netherlands
Jedrzej Czarnota Research Analyst
Trilateral Research
United Kingdom