Theme: geoSMART Planet: Resources + Infrastructure & YOU!

With technological advancements, everything on the planet earth is gradually becoming smartly interconnected. These intelligent interconnections are bringing plethora of opportunities to the world - for every business, institution and individual. Forward-thinking leaders in business, government and civil society around the world are capturing the potential of such smarter systems to achieve economic growth, near-term efficiency, sustainable development and societal progress. The theme will address the ways geospatial technologies extend the ability to smartly harness spatial data that gives our leaders their competitive advantage in the era of "SMART" to overcome the complexity of the challenges that the world is facing.

Revolving around the theme "geoSMART Planet: Resources + Infrastructure & YOU!" the conference will delve into the various innovative and integrative systems supported by geospatial technologies for enabling better, efficient use of resources, organised development of infrastructure and last but not least, enabling the common man to live a smart and easy life.